New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

NEW MOON | ECLIPSE | ARIES | April 8, 2024

Today is the final eclipse in our current eclipse season. If you want to get the full download on eclipses in general, read my last post here.

This current eclipse is a North Node eclipse, meaning that ideally, over the last 2 weeks, we’ve released all the stuck stagnant patterns of the past and are ready to embrace a future free of our own karmic limitations.

The North Node beckons us forward. This is our North Star, our growing edge, and our greatest potential for expansion. We are all, to some degree, moving towards the North Node at all times. But with a major event like this happening at the North Node itself, we are being catapulted there (like it or not).

This eclipse is a reckoning and a reclamation of your power.

It’s a moment to remember exactly who you are, what you want, and what you’re capable of. It’s a moment to do the opposite of playing small.

The North Node in Aries wants us each to fully, boldly, and unabashedly fight for our freedom, independence, and autonomy. The archetype of the warrior is the willingness to stand for what we believe in, to fight for it, against all odds.

We are being called to eliminate anything in our lives that stands in the way of our most powerful, sovereign, individual expression. 

Specifically, any relationships that are counter to your own unique highest timeline are being cleared away, for your highest good. The conditioning that all relationships require self-sacrifice is being deleted. A new blueprint based on mutual reciprocity and expansion is being downloaded.

Release the idea that you need to choose between self and other. When relationships are aligned in the highest frequency, what is best for both individuals will always be what is best for the relationship. If this is not the case, the relationship is not aligned for your highest expression. Period.

If there is a relationship in your life you are questioning currently ask yourself this:

Is this relationship guiding me towards a deeper embodiment of my highest self?

Or is this relationship in conflict with the things I need and want to do, in order to embody as my highest self?

The answer is simple. The follow through is the tricky part (for some). Here’s why.

This eclipse is occurring in exact conjunction to Chiron, the wounded healer. This means that doing the thing you know you need to do will reveal a deep wound for many of you. In order to face your destiny, you must also face the wound.

The fear of going alone. The hero’s or heroine’s journey requires us to face ourselves and step out — alone. To be bared naked and vulnerable, and to choose our destiny. 

On top of having Chiron thrown into the mix, we have a couple other tricky placements that can make our necessary steps forward feel like we’re moving through sinking sand.

The first is that we have Mercury retrograde, also in the sign of Aries. Mercury is our communication, minds and intellect. If the wires of clarity feel a little crisscrossed, this is why. Mercury will station direct on April 25th in exact conjunction with the North Node.

Anything that gets lost in translation during todays eclipse should be clarified by then.

Finally, we see that the ruler of the chart, Mars, is making a tight conjunction with Saturn in Pisces. Mars is not thrilled in the day dreamy sign of Pisces to begin with, and with Saturn in the mix, there may feel like a heavy weight is holding you back from moving forward.

Saturn wants to align us to our highest timeline through discipline, structure, hard work and staying power. Saturn asks us to get real with ourselves. Any delusions you are clinging to after Neptune and Venus’s meetup in Pisces on April 3rd are now being shattered. 

Saturn takes a long hard look at what is not working, and with Mars, asks us to take action to clean it up.

As always if you want to know exactly how these transits are affecting you personally, you can book a reading with me here.

Happy eclipse!


Hannah Schultz-Durkacz